Check in the Mail!

checkinmail.jpgLook what I received today! For the first time in my fictioneering life, I received dollars for my writing! I’m thrilled because this is a step in the right direction.

Alas, I suspect that by April 15th I’ll have handed off the money to our dear government…sigh…

But still! I’m smiley-faced today.

Addendum, 8-Apr-08: Taxes done, and the money I received is all mine, after all! Woo-hoo!

0 comments on “Check in the Mail!

  • Woo-hoo! Congrats! Let’s spend it all on caipirinhas!

    On second thought, maybe we should just drink something more helpful like coffee while we write together, and save the rest for taxes.

  • It’ll definitely hafta be the second option, not that I mind coffee with you, but, man, to not have to send the rest off to The Man — wouldn’t that be great!?


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