Can someone tell me what’s going on with me, myself, and my life? The chaos has been piling up — that slow python-like coiling that you don’t notice until, well, you suddenly do. This morning I had to laugh when I took stock of my nightstand situation. How did that happen? And this tells you what a lousy housekeeper I am, too, vacuuming around the piles without thought. At least I’ve been reading, right? And reading does the fiction-writing brain good, right?

0 comments on “Life’s Progress — Or Not”
This made me laugh — I can imagine you reading a book, finishing it, tossing it to the floor and saying, “next, dahling.”
Exactly! Bring those books on!
If it make you feel better, I can show you a similar photo of books taking over my room 🙂 The seem to multiply themselves when I am not looking!
Funny how the multiplication happens, isn’t it? Books like rabbits.
A really bad housekeeper (such as myself) wouldn’t even have a working vacuum cleaner so kudos to your efforts!
I’m going to show these pictures to my wife so she’ll finally understand that she’s married to an angel.
I, for one, think your nightstand looks like a slice of heaven!! I found myself straining to read the titles. Who needs vacuuming when you have so many books? I think this shows you have your priorities straight.
Thanks, Sandi! I’m comfortable with my book clutter, even if I do know that I’ll need to tidy it up at some point!