This is not deep, not even about writing, but can someone tell me what the deal is with the comment I received on yesterday’s post?
For one thing, it states that “Porteus” wrote the post…For another, what’s with the ads? Or, is that what it is, a nifty strategy to get me, the writer, and maybe you, the reader, to click over to a page of ads? Is WordPress in cahoots with Ads by Google?
Is it called “best webBlogs reView” to get me to think I’ve won some kind of prize and thereby click over? Who are those people on the blogroll, and what do they have to do with it?
I’ve gotten a few of these, usually I spam or delete them, thought I’d ask this time around. Have you received these? They’re highly annoying.
0 comments on “Quick Question For You”
Sure, I get them from time to time, on some blogs more than others.
Really looks like a spam comment to me too.
spam spam spam spam
spam spam spam spam
wonderfulllll spaaaaaam
wonderfull spam
spam spam spam spam
Sneaky ba*t*rds..
I wasn’t sure about my policy about trolls until now, but about spams, it is very clear: annihilate, wipe off, disintegrate!
Smithereens, you bring up yet another question: What’s a troll besides a character in a Tolkien novel?
Did you notice that the mother at the bench was pouring water on the flowers yesterday? There was a ritual. It felt like she was wanting to give life to her child that was gone.
Obama is a zombie-lord. McCain is a vampiric-fiend. Ron Paul for high-commissioner of America-Land.
note: the above comment was an attempt at “trolling”
Spammer: One who comments to provide useless information, possibly in hopes of redirecting traffic.
Troll: One who comments with, typically, incendiary comments in hopes of starting a flame-war amongst the other participants.
Hi Lane — I figured you were up to something with the first email…namely, being a smart-aleck! I forgot to respond in like manner back. Thanks for clarifying spamming versus trolling!