SIMPLE PLEASURES | Empty Notebooks

Still on a break, but look what I bought yesterday. Nothing like my brother-in-law’s Ferrari for fabuloso consumerism, but I bet writers out there can relate to this: These old-school notebooks fill me with pleasure and excitement about the near future when I’m not on break anymore, when I’m developing two fiction ideas that have been percolating for awhile (hence, two notebooks), and when I’m getting down-and-dirty with words.

Blank pages don’t scare me; they fill me with anticipation and wonder and the feeling of creativity burbling below the surface. I love empty notebooks! Especially when they’re groovy in a classic or modern or any old way…

6 comments on “SIMPLE PLEASURES | Empty Notebooks

  • PS (in response to your prior entry)

    To blog or not to blog?

    We absolutely have to do reality checks on what we’re writing and how we spend our time; it helps enormously to read that other writers go through this same blog-wrestling thing. And come and go.
    And check in and out, or change IDs, whatever. Keeping you on the b’roll, no matter!

  • I want to reach into that picture and stroke that notebook. It looks really soft. I bet the pages are very smooth. Wow, that sounds weird. I bet you understand, though?


  • Ha ha ha! I love other writers. We’re all such nerds. We fondle paper, sniff it, oooh and aaah over new journals.

    I love it. Your shameless love of a journal makes us happy.

  • I am a huge notebook-aholic. When the school supplies come out, I’m in heaven.

    These are very seriously cool journals, and I covet them 😉

  • oh, I can’t wait to fill those notebooks with my illegible scrawl! And blogging: I’ve noticed that even though I’m officially on a break, I’m still managing the short post here and there. Funny, that.

    Nova, you rock! I’m feeling up my notebooks right this second, and they are indeed smooooth. I get your weirdness!

    Eve, I love paper stores, and, of course, book stores. I’ve been known to open books and sniff them near their spines. I love that new-book smell! Unfortunately, when I do this, I’m essentially sniffing glue, so I must be down millions of brains cells by now…

    Oh yeah, Becca, school supplies! I used to love the start of school just for the supplies. That was my favorite thing in the world — talk about nerdy!


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