Wow, this is a strange feeling. Me sitting before a blank WordPress page, attempting a resurrection of sorts. My life as a blogger went down hill around 2009, when I hit the skids with my fiction and my livelihood and my attitude. The blog archive tells a sad story of a blogger who had spurts of activity in 2010, 2011, and 2012, only to fizzle out repeatedly.
Shite happens, most definitely.
I watch my mom grow dim with dementia. I work a day-job that pays the bills and provides health benefits, but doesn’t fulfill me. I plug away too slowly at my fiction, trying to rally my optimism and faith back to their pre-economic-downturn heights.
But it’s spring, right? The first daffodils are blooming, and a Northern flicker returned to tippity-tap against the wall outside my bedroom. The cat carouses outside all night, and the dog takes her time sniffing every new leaf and blade of grass.
Best of all, even though I knew we were still in for crap-cold and dismally wet weather, there was that one evening last week when the air smelled green and my skin tasted warmth. I breathed, and breathed again.
Spring like a soul’s sigh.
It may be that the long winter of my discontent is lifting. Or maybe not. Not sure. Never am sure.
The daffodils are blooming, and I’m writing this blog post. That’s all that matters.
8 comments on “The Resurrection Season”
Excellent article! Spring has sprung.
You are too kind. 🙂
Excellent! I hope you keep it up. 🙂
Me too!
Welcome back! You are in sync with the universe, the daffodils and the Dow Jones.
Upward trending, that’s us!
It’s been a hideous winter here, too, and spring is still proving chilly, but thank goodness the light is back. Blogging ebbs and flows, as all writing does. Sometimes, it’s really important to have a writing winter and lie fallow for a bit. You’ll probably find you’ve benefitted loads from the rest.
Hi litlove, glad to see you here. I agree with you in hopes that my fallow ground proves fertile!