(What is this? A combination of two Friday memes: the literate kitten’s invitation to ‘fess up to our crimes and misdemeanors against our writing efforts and a “friday five,” in which we list five random things about our week…)
1. ‘Fessing up: I wrote 20 pages this week, and I finally feel like I broke through the “The End” barrier. I decided that even though I’m unsure about the series of scenes that are in my head, I’ve simply got to write them anyhow.
Like yesterday, I got going earlier than usual, and, once again, my groggy state proved beneficial to the writing. Just now (~10:45 a.m.) completed five pages in a little over two hours. No complaints here! As Sandi mentioned in a comment yesterday: They (the pages, that is) don’t have to be good, there only have to be five of them.
In general, I need to work on getting up and running on Mondays. I seem to start out the week slow and then push hard to get many pages written toward the end of the week.
2. Here’s a cool writerly-bookish website that received a mention on novelist Patricia Wood’s blog. It’s called “Book Roast.”
3. I don’t know what to write! This is strange — and truly random, so I guess my blank brain still fits with the Friday theme. I apparently haven’t had enough deep thoughts this week. Or, could be that because I blogged more than usual, I don’t have any interesting thoughts left…hmm…Or, it could be that I’m still in the fiction-dream as I write this…(Most likely, I need a nap.)
4. Nope, nothing, I’ve got nothing, except that I’m still thinking about adopting a shelter mutt. This weekend I hope to meet a one-eyed Cavalier King Charles Spaniel mix named Queenie. Poor thing was a stray with a severe eye injury.
5. Photo of the week: Oregon barn, site of rockin’ annual “barnfest” parties.
0 comments on “Friday ‘Fess Up + Four = Friday Five #3”
20 pages… and breaking through a barrier… Sounds to me like an undeniably good week!
Breaking through the barrier was key — I feel SO much better!
I am such a rebel that my fess post turned into something else entirely.
I liked your post — it was a confession that your mind was on other things (important things), not writing…
20 pages – I feel even worse now 🙂 I love the picture in the top of the post, such beautiful colours!