Goodbye, Summer; Hello, Clean Slate

I love autumn, which, for me, begins the Tuesday after Labor Day. Like seasonal clockwork, the faintest chill now underscores the warmth and sunlight slants in at a pleasing angle, diffuse and soft. I welcome getting caught behind school buses, and I long for a brand-new binder with dividers and plastic pockets.

Soon, squirrels will go crazy hiding their nuts, and I’ll switch to flannel sheets (and sleep that much better). I’ll pull out my neat-o jackets, my tights, my boots, my scarves and bid adieu to my grubby shorts. Once again, bubble baths will become routine.

Most of all, my energy will rebound. It already has. After a scattered summer, I’m ready to focus again, remind myself of the girl I used to be, the one who adored starting school with a brand-new binder with dividers and plastic pockets — not to mention a clean slate.


Postscript: Thanks to everyone who commented on my few August posts. I didn’t respond per my usual habit. Just know that I appreciate your perspectives and positive feedback.

On Taking Breaks From Blogging

My first post in a week. What’s up with that? Have I run out of things to say? Am I bored with myself? Am I stressed and busier than usual?

No, nah, and nope.

I simply needed a break. We’ll see how long the break lasts; for all I know, I’ll kick back into gear this week…However, I’m predicting that I won’t. Mostly because these two adorable boys, my nephews, Trevor and Andrew (Christmas 2007), arrive today for their annual summer visit. I can count on getting nothing done while they’re here, which is as it should be.

Meanwhile, I wonder if anyone out there can relate to this: This blogging thing, it’s meant to be fun, right? For now, for me, it’s a hobby. But, since I’m me, and I apparently like flogging myself, I crack that whip if I don’t blog two-three times a week, if I don’t vary my posts between fluff and more serious stuff, if I don’t visit other blogs to keep up with what’s going on, if I don’t…etcetera etcetera etcetera.

In other words, I’ve allowed blogging to become another responsibility, another task on the to-do list, another endeavor that could lead to failure (whatever that means) if I don’t do it just right — and God forbid my stats plummet! Oh no! Am I losing readership? Are my fellow bloggers bored with me? Do people still like me? Will I get fired?

Ugh. Puh-leeze. Even I have to remind myself that the blogosphere isn’t reality. It’s barely reality-based. It’s all about the personas we choose to show others…I wouldn’t say anyone who only knows me through my blog actually knows me, just as I don’t actually know any of my blogger pals. (This could be a whole ‘nother post and chat…)

Enough of that. Extending the break another week is obviously a good idea. I have reality to see to, which this afternoon includes dog-washing because the boys are eager to meet Luna and best paw forward, right?

I have a writer-friend who always, every day, gives herself permission to quit writing. Somehow, it liberates her to continue writing. So, I hereby allow myself not to blog.

(That said, check back next week, ‘kay?)

Back on Monday…

Took a wee break from everything this week, including blogging. I proudly announce that the only tasks I managed to complete were list-making and paper-chaos organizing.

Thoughts are piling up behind my laziness, however, so I’ll be back on Monday with a post. Meanwhile, off to a street fair with a friend and the dog. Putzing aimlessly in the sun? Priceless.

Okay, Ready to Finish This Puppy

After an unusually hot weekend that included toenails painted fresh for the season, my favorite sandals, and Australian Chardonnay served at an outdoor wine bar, I’m ready to kick myself into high gear: Finish this first draft!


You may recall from this post that I was stymied. After taking a break, reading the printed manuscript (hard copy seems to help), and completing initial revisions, I think, I hope, I pray, that I’m un-stymied.

So, with coffee rather than vino, I’m off!